Healing Hosts

  Come Together

A Healing Host Party offers the chance to gather your friends and/or family together in a safe and nurturing environment. It's a place to work on that stuff thats been bothering you for ever, or maybe you've had a crap day and want to realign to something better!   Share your worries and challenges (If you want, no pressure there :)),  and get together with some friends or work mates and have a social evening ( we all know how that can get put to the bottom of the 'must do' list! )    Allow yourself the time and space for YOU.  

  Because ...... YOUR WORTH IT!!

  Our Ancestors gathered around fires, building clans and tribes, connecting and healing.  We can build open honest communication with our friends (and ourselves).   Whether working directly on your stuff, or borrowing benefits, the healing occurs as the energy of the group creates an energetic healing entity of its own.  Get ready for some AHA!  moments and WTF moments too  :) When we come together, the power of the group accelerates our healing, our sense of safety and belonging.   It creates a safe space and a nurturing environment. This will enable your body's threat respons, which creates anxiety and stress, to take a chill pill.  :)

  We will look into your hopes and fears, dreams and aspirations. Bring your pain, your challenges and your problems, either silently or openly, to the group, and learn ways of getting into alignment and stepping into your own unique power.

 Using Emotional Freedom Techniques,  Matrix Re-Imprinting,  Guided Journeying.  Future Self and Inner Child work and many other exciting and powerful techniques. You will get clearer on what you want.  You will learn techniques that you can take home with you. You will discover another part of you that can be happy, healthy and who dares to go after their dreams :)

If you're wondering about all this Woo Woo stuff, or this Law of Attraction stuff or you've found yourself understanding you have a part to play in your experiences in this life and that YOU are the CREATOR.   If you'd love to explore your inner world , but are afraid of what you may uncover! or you are struggling financially at this moment, and can't afford a one-one session, this is for YOU. 

Whatever you bring to the space, you will learn ways of listening to YOUR body, tools to RELEASE any stuck emotional energies and a real sense of UNITY & GROUP CONNECTION that is essential for our human growth.

I’m based in Stroud, Gloucestershire. The gatherings will be held at a place of your choosing. Host goes FREE but would be asked to kindly provide tea and coffee and water as a minimum requirement.  A minimum of 4 paying guests are  needed to run the HEALING HOSTS PARTY.  The group session will last about 2 hours.  Travel outside a 10 mile radius will be charged at one pound per mile so the more people you can spread the cost around, the better. This is not set in stone but I do expect my travelling expenses to be covered, so it could be the price of a train or we could meet up ONLINE at no extra cost to you . ...Just ask and we will work out something that keeps us all happy.  :)

A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins With That First Step :)  

What you waiting for??